A. Liz Perez,
Liz is a resident of Santa Paula and an employee of the Santa Paula Unified School District. She works as a Speech-Language Pathologist at Isbell Middle School providing therapy for students with mild to moderate communication disorders. Liz has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Science degree in Communicative Disorders, from California State University in Los Angeles and Northridge. She also holds her Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, (ASHA). Liz is currently a candidate for her second Masters of Arts in Christian Ministry.
Liz is an active committee member serving Santa Paula through various community outreaches supported by the Santa Paula Church of Christ. She has served as the Santa Paula High School FFA/Ag Parent Booster President (2012-2014) and on the Santa Paula High School Band Booster Board, (2010-2012).
Liz lives in Santa Paula with her husband Robert, a minister and now retired school teacher, daughter, and grandson. Together they have 3 adult children, 3 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandson.