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Thank you for your donation which will provide opportuities for students of the Santa Paula Unified School District to pursue a higher education and accomplish their dreams.


Santa Paula Education Foundation is a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization (Federal ID #95-3814317. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Choosing how to donate:

Santa Paula Education Foundation


-General donations in this category will be used to build our endowment which will increase the amount of money available for future scholarships.



In Memoriam Scholarships

-Will allow a donor to create or choose a scholarship their donation goes to.  The SPEF recommends a minimum of $10,000 dollars to guarantee a scholarship in perpetuity otherwise funds supporting its existence will eventually dry up. 



Specific Programs


-Donations can be made to other district programs. Please consult Assistant Superintendent Kevin Olsen regarding non-scholarship gifts.



Further Questions?


Please visit the
Contact Us page.


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